Terms of Sales

General Terms and Conditions of Sale


Standard Commercial Terms and Customer Information

    I. Standard Commercial Terms


  • 1 Basic provisions


(1) The following business conditions apply to all contracts that you conclude with us as a supplier (AIA-Market) via the website https://aia-market.com/. Unless otherwise agreed, the inclusion, if necessary, of your own terms is excluded.


(2) A "consumer" within the meaning of the following regulations is any natural person who enters into a legal transaction which, to a very large extent, can be attributed neither to his commercial activities nor to his independent professional activities. The term "businessman" means any legally responsible natural person, legal person or partnership who concludes a legal act within the framework of his independent professional or commercial activity.


  • 2 Conclusion of contract


(1) The subject of the contract is the sale of products.


(2) By placing the product in question on our website, we provide you with a binding offer to conclude a sales contract subject to the conditions specified in the item description.


(3) The purchase contract takes place via the online shopping cart system as follows:

The products intended for purchase are moved to the basket. You can select the basket using the appropriate navigation bar buttons and make changes to it at any time.

After calling up the "Order" page and entering the required personal data and payment and shipping terms, all order information is then displayed again on the order summary page.

If you have used an instant payment system (e.g. PayPal / PayPal Express, Amazon-Payments, Sofort) to initiate payments, you will either be guided to our online store on the order summary page or redirected to the instant payment provider web page.

If you are redirected to the instant payment system, choose and enter your details as appropriate. You will then be redirected to the order summary page of our online store.

Before sending the order, you can recheck all data, change them (which can also be done via the "back" function of the Internet browser) or cancel the purchase transaction.

By clicking on the "buy" button to submit the order, you declare acceptance of the order in a legally binding manner by which the purchase contract takes place.


(4) You are not bound by your requests regarding the creation of an offer transmitted to us. We send you a textual and binding offer (eg by e-mail), which you can accept within 5 days.


  • 3 Right of retention, retention of proprietary rights


(1) You can only exercise a right of retention if the situation in question involves claims arising from the same contractual relationship.


(2) The goods remain our property until full payment of the purchase price.


  • 4 Warranty


(1) Statutory warranty rights apply.


(2) As a consumer, you are requested to promptly check the product for completeness, visible defects and transport damage immediately upon delivery and to promptly report your complaints to us and the transport company in writing. Even if you do not comply with this request, this will have no effect on your legal warranty rights.


  • 5 Choice of law, place of performance, jurisdiction


(1) German law applies. This choice of law only applies to customers if it does not lead to the revocation of the protection guaranteed by the mandatory provisions of the law of the country in which the habitual residence of the respective customer is located (principle of the benefit of the doubt ) .


(2) If you are not a consumer, but a trader, a legal person under public law or an institutional fund under public law, our registered office is the place of jurisdiction as well as the place of performance for all services which follow business relationships that exist with us. The same condition applies to situations in which you are not associated with a general jurisdiction in Germany or the EU, as well as to situations in which the place of residence or habitual residence is not known. at the time of the opening of the procedure. . This does not affect the ability to sue the court attached to another place of jurisdiction.


(3) The provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods are expressly inapplicable.


      II. Customer information


  1. Identity of the seller


Buchstr. 44

74321 Bietigsheim-Bissingen


Telephone: +49 (0) 7142 339 86 60

Email: afriindiasiamarket@gmail.com


Alternate Dispute Resolution:

The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court online dispute resolution (OS platform), available at https://ec.europa.eu/odr.


  1. Information on the conclusion of the contract


The technical steps for the conclusion of the contract, the conclusion of the contract itself and the correction options are carried out in accordance with the rules for the conclusion of the contract in our general conditions (Part I.).


  1. Contract language, storage of contract text


3.1. The contract language is German.


3.2. We do not save the full text of the contract. Before sending the order via the online shopping cart system, the contract data can be printed out or saved electronically using the print function of the browser. After receipt of the order, the order data, the information required by law for distance contracts and the general terms and conditions will be sent to you again by e-mail.


3.3. If you request an offer outside the online shopping cart system, you will receive all contractual data within the scope of a binding offer in text form, eg by e-mail, which you can print out or save electronically.


  1. Codes of Conduct


4.1. We have provided the buyer with the quality criteria of the seal of Händlerbund Management AG and the Ecommerce Europe Trustmark code of conduct, which can be viewed at: https://www.haendlerbund.de/images/content/kaeufersiegel/kaeufersiegel- qualitasinstrumente.pdf and https://www.ecommercetrustmark.eu/the-code-of-conduct/


  1. Essential characteristics of the good or service


The essential characteristics of the goods and/or the service can be found in the respective offer.


  1. Prices and terms of payment


6.1. The prices stated in the respective offers as well as the shipping costs represent total prices and include all price components including all applicable taxes.


6.2. Shipping costs are not included in the purchase price. They can be viewed via a corresponding button on our website or in the corresponding offer, are shown separately during the ordering process and are additionally payable by you, unless free delivery has been promised.


6.3. You must bear the costs incurred for the transfer of money (bank transfer or exchange costs) in cases where the delivery is made in an EU member state but the payment has been made outside the European Union .


6.4. The payment methods available to you are indicated under a corresponding button on our website or in the corresponding offer.


6.5. Unless otherwise specified for individual payment methods, claims for payment of the concluded contract are due immediately.


  1. Terms of delivery


7.1. The delivery conditions, delivery date and any existing delivery restrictions can be viewed under a corresponding button on our website or in the corresponding offer.


7.2. If you are a consumer, it is regulated by law that the risk of accidental loss and accidental damage to the item sold during shipment does not pass to you until the goods are handed over to you, the shipment whether insured or not. This does not apply if you have independently commissioned a transport company not named by the entrepreneur or another person responsible for carrying out the shipment.*


  1. Legal liability for defects


Liability for defects is based on the warranty regulations of our general terms and conditions (part I).


These general terms and conditions and customer information were created by Händlerbund's lawyers, who specialize in IT law, and are constantly checked for legal compliance. Händlerbund Management AG guarantees the legal certainty of the texts and is liable in the event of warnings. You can find more information about this at: https://www.haendlerbund.de/agb-service.



  1. Protection of minors


No alcohol may be sold or served to children and young people under the age of 16.


Beer and wine may only be sold or served to persons over the age of 16. Spirits, aperitifs and alcopops may only be sold or served to persons over the age of 18.




Last update: 12.01.2023